Journey Back to Health

My Personal Health Journey

December 02, 20237 min read

In 1992 I was pregnant with my 3rd child, and I was driving down the road when someone pulled out in front of my car from the Burger King and hit the front passenger side of my vehicle. My 2 girls were in the back seat and seemed fine. I was shaken up but I did not know this would be the beginning of a journey into the world of doctor and chiropractor visits, prescription drugs, acupuncture, massage, 4 surgeries and multiple pain management procedures and injections over the years. Nothing really changed the fact that my neck was injured. I did not keep my daily aches and pains from doing what I needed to do to earn a living and take care of my family, but I was always looking for something that might work for me. Time went on and in December 2019 I had to have a total shoulder replacement. It helped the shoulder some but not the rest of me and the rehab and physical therapy after the surgery was brutal. I figured it might be time for me to retire as I was 64 years old, but I really did not know what I would do in retirement. Covid 19 came along just as I finished my 12 weeks of physical therapy and was back at work, and I got to see what it was like as the country shut down. I own a real estate company which was considered an essential business, so we changed our policies and had people working part time from home and carried on, but I never really bought into the masks and closing down the country. As a nurse I knew that masks were not effective against viruses, and I found myself getting censored on Facebook because I tried to post the truth. I started researching Covid -19 which led me to lose faith in the medical system. I learned a lot and feel like I got a whole new education. I also had about 25 pounds I wanted to lose that I had gained and lost many times, so I decided to start with looking into food and supplements. I started on a 3-month detox and strict diet which was called AIP Diet (AIP =Auto Immune Protocol). I learned how what you eat can be causing you to have more pain. I also found that most doctors know very little about nutrition and at the end of the 3 months I had learned how to cook and eat to help me have less pain, and I also lost the 25 pounds that I have gained and lost every 3-5 years ever since I started having children at 28, and I no longer take allergy medications or anti-inflammatory drugs. It's not an easy diet to stick with, but you too can learn to cook healthy recipes and avoid foods that cause inflammation in your body. Below is a list of food to avoid and foods you can eat.

Foods to avoid.

  • Grains: rice, wheat, oats, barley, rye, etc., as well as foods derived from them, such as pasta, bread, and breakfast cereals

  • Legumes: lentils, beans, peas, peanuts, etc., as well as foods derived from them, such as tofu, tempeh, mock meats, or peanut butter

  • Nightshade vegetables: eggplants, peppers, potatoes, tomatoes, tomatillos, etc., as well as spices derived from nightshade vegetables, such as paprika

  • Eggs: whole eggs, egg whites, or foods containing these ingredients

  • Dairy: cow’s, goat’s, or sheep’s milk, as well as foods derived from these milks, such as cream, cheese, butter, or ghee; dairy-based protein powders or other supplements should also be avoided

  • Nuts and seeds: all nuts and seeds and foods derived from them, such as flours, butter, or oils; also includes cocoa and seed-based spices, such as coriander, cumin, anise, fennel, fenugreek, mustard, and nutmeg

  • Certain beverages: alcohol and coffee

  • Processed vegetable oils: canola, rapeseed, corn, cottonseed, palm kernel, safflower, soybean, or sunflower oils

  • Refined or processed sugars: cane or beet sugar, corn syrup, brown rice syrup, and barley malt syrup; also includes sweets, soda, candy, frozen desserts, and chocolate, which may contain these ingredients.

  • Food additives and artificial sweeteners: trans fats, food colorings, emulsifiers, and thickeners, as well as artificial sweeteners, such as stevia, mannitol, and xylitol

Some AIP protocols further recommend avoiding all fruit — both fresh or dried — during the elimination phase. Others allow the inclusion of 10–40 grams of fructose per day, which amounts to around 1–2 portions of fruit per day.

Foods to eat

  • Vegetables: a variety of vegetables except for nightshade vegetables and algae, which should be avoided

  • Fresh fruit: a variety of fresh fruit, in moderation

  • Tubers: sweet potatoes, taro, yams, as well as Jerusalem or Chinese artichokes

  • Minimally processed meat: wild game, fish, seafood, organ meat, and poultry; meats should be wild, grass-fed or pasture-raised, whenever possible

  • Fermented, probiotic-rich foods: nondairy-based fermented food, such as kombucha, sauerkraut, pickles, and coconut kefir; probiotic supplements may also be consumed.

  • Minimally processed vegetable oils: olive oil, avocado oil, or coconut oil

  • Herbs and spices: as long as they’re not derived from a seed or a chilli pepper.

  • Vinegars: balsamic, apple cider, and red wine vinegar, as long as they’re free of added sugars

  • Natural sweeteners: maple syrup and honey, in moderation

  • Certain teas: green and black tea at average intakes of up to 3–4 cups per day

  • Bone broth

FYI There are places online where you can order AIP approved food that has been made from the above ingredients and you can search online for AIP compliant recipes. I actually was able to learn to make sweet treats that were compliant with the diet.

Next, I slowly started to do more regular exercise and practiced grounding, mostly walking and active stretching, I was not totally consistent but working from home gave me more time to spend in the morning. I would stretch for 5-10 minutes, then go for a 20–30-minute walk then ground barefoot to establish contact with the earth's energy. I found that doing these things helped me as much or more than pain pills or CBD.

It you live in an apartment and there it not anywhere you can practice grounding, there are actually grounding mats and sheets you can purchase to sleep on which can be beneficial as you really need to do this daily for best results.

in summer of 2022, I watched a video with Jason Shurka interviewing Dr Sandra Rose Michael about the Energy Enhancement System she created and has been working with since the late 1990's. Although the above things did improve the pain, I still struggled with it, especially first thing in the morning when I hobbled out of bed and in the afternoon when I had a busy day I was exhausted and in pain. I could not stop thinking about that video and I decided to make a 7-hour trip to visit a center. After that visit and a 2-hour session I decided to check out Unifyd healing and 7 months later I got my equipment installed and was in business. Opening this center has changed my life, I now have energy to get me through the day at Regeneration Station and meet my daughters at Hotworx to do hot yoga around 7:30 pm. I also regularly use the sauna and cold plunge we have at our center. I have virtually no pain, and I look and feel much younger than I did 6 months ago. My annual physical from September showed my inflammation levels had gone down from being really high to .4 and my muscle mass went up. My body fat is lower than it has been at any time since I had my 3rd child in 1993! I feel younger and more positive, and I keep improving as time goes by. I love helping others experience the difference this technology can make and coaching them on other things they can do to improve their health. Please contact me at Regeneration Station and start your journey to better health!

Pam Keen

Pam Keen is a retired Navy Nurse and is owner of Regeneration Station in Pensacola

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